20 Questions For Your Spouse

A few years ago a movie called Fireproof came out that focused on saving marriages by being a selfless spouse that was based on the book “The Love Dare.” The book takes you through 40 days of service to your spouse with the sole purpose of winning them back and hopefully receiving Christ along the way if you haven’t already.


Honestly, I really enjoyed the movie regardless of the acting. It hit a home-run by bringing the message of Christ out to the general public to have a movie that puts the focus on saving your marriage 1 day at a time through a 40-day challenge. Marriages around this country are falling apart in droves and what a great way to get unsaved people to hear the gospel while encouraging people to fight for their marriages instead of giving up.

In the back of the book in the Appendix section, The Love Dare has listed 20 Questions For Your Spouse as a resource for you to ask on a date or during a private conversation with the idea that you’ll learn more about the heart of your spouse. These questions are also designed to raise additional questions that may be worth discussing as long as you keep things positive. Just remember to listen more than you talk.


  • What is your greatest hope or dream?
  • What do you enjoy most about your life right now?
  • What do you enjoy least about your life right now?
  • What would your dream job be if you could do anything and get paid for it?
  • What some things you’ve always wanted to do but haven’t had the opportunity yet?
  • What three things would you like to do before the next year passes?
  • Who do you feel the most “safe” being with? Why?
  • If you could have lunch with anyone in the world, who would it be and why?
  • When was the last time you felt filled with joy?
  • If you had to give away a million dollars, who would you give it to?
  • What are three things that I do that you really like?
  • What are three things that I do that drive you crazy?
  • What have I done in the past that made you feel loved?
  • What have I done that made you feel unappreciated?
  • What are three things that I can work on?
  • Of the following things, what would make you feel most loved?
    • Having your body massaged and caressed for an hour
    • Sitting and talking for an hour about your favorite subject
    • Having help around the house for an afternoon
    • Receiving a very night gift
    • Hearing encouragement about how appreciated you are
  • What things in the past do you wish could be erased from ever happening?
  • What is the next major decision that you think God would want us to make as a couple?
  • What would you like your life to look like five years from now?
  • What words would you like to hear from me more often?
The Love Dare closes this by telling the reader to offer encouragement and a listening ear. Don’t allow this to become an argument or time for you to criticize. Let this be a time for your mate to express themselves.
At the very least, I wanted to share these questions to help get conversations started in marriages that either don’t know what to say to each other or where to start the healing process in their marriage. You can also just sit down with your spouse and ask these questions because you care about them and want to hear what they have to say. Give it a shot, you never know what you’ll learn.
Don’t wait until tomorrow…Start serving your spouse today!
*Some content from this post was taken from The Love Dare book*

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